Curry Leaf
Botanical Name
Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel
Commercial Part
The leaves of curry leaf tree is a spice. The tree is an aromatic deciduous one, five meter in height, 15-40 cm in diameter. It is cultivated mainly in homesteads but to a certain extent on a plantation scale.
Origin and Distribution
Curry leaf is found almost throughout India up to an altitude of 1500 mtrs. It is much cultivated for its aromatic leaves.
The leaf is used in South India as a natural flavouring agent in various curries. Volatile oil is used as a fixative for soap perfume. The leaves, bark and root of the plant are used in the indigenous medicine as a tonic, stimulant, carminative and stomachic.
Indian Name of Spices
Assamese : Narsinghs, Bisharhari Hindi : Kathnim, Mitha neem, Curry or kurry patta, Gandhela, Bareanga Bengali : Barsanga, Kariphulli Gujarati : Goranimb, Kadhilimbdo Kannada : Karibevu Malayalam : Karriveppilei Marathi : Karhinimb, Poospala, Gandla, Jhirang Oriya : Barsan, Basango, Bhuraunga Punjabi : Curry patta Sanskrit : Krishna nimba Tamil : Karivempu, Karuveppilei Telugu : Karepaku
Foreign Name of Spices
French : Feuilles de cari German : Curryblatter English : Curry leaves Chinese : Ga lei yihp Dutch : Kerriebladeren Spanish : Hoja