Botanical Name
Thymus vulgaris
Commercial Part
Thyme is a hardy perennial shrub, 20-40 cm high, the dried leaves are curled, brownish green colour, 6.7 mm long, marketed in whole or ground form. The flavour is aromatic, warm and pungent. Flowers are light violet, two lipid, 5mm long, with hairy glandular calyx. The major types of thyme available in the international market are French Thyme, Spanish Thyme and American Thyme.
Origin and Distribution
Thyme is a native to Southern Europe from Spain to Italy. Apart from Europe it is grown in Australia, North Asia, North Africa, Canada and USA. In India, it is cultivated in the Western temperate Himalayas and Nilgiris. Thyme prefers a mild climate, a mallow upland soil and grows best in the hills.
Thyme is used to season, tomato soups, fish and meat dishes, liver and pork sausages, headcheese, cottage and cream cheese. Thyme oil is used in treatment of bronchitis. It has anti-spasmodic and carminative properties. It possesses anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties.
Indian Name of Spices
Hindi : Banajwain Malayalam : Thottathulasi Punjabi : Marizha, Masho, Rangsbur Urdu : Hasha
Foreign Name of Spices
Chinese : Bai li xiang Czech : Thymian Dutch : Tijn French : Thyme German : Thymian Indonesian : Timi Italian : Timo Japanese : Taimu Spanish : Tomillo