Botanical Name
Marjorana hortensis
Commercial Part
leaf & Flower top
Marjoram is a perennial aromatic herb. Its dried leaves and flower tops constitutes the spice. The sweet marjoram is characterized by a strong spicy pleasant odour. The flavour is fragrant, slightly sharp bitterish and camphoraceous. The plant is 30-60 cm high and develops a large number of leafy stalks with small leaves. Leaves are light, greyish green reaching around 21 mm in length and 11 mm breadth. The flowers are small, white or pinkish or red.
Origin and Distribution
Marjoram is a native of Southern Europe. Now it is grown widely in Europe, USA, China, Russia, Morocco, North Africa and India. Marjoram grows in any well-drained, fertile garden loam and cultivated as an annual.
Marjoram is used in seasonings, sausages and salamis. Since the spice has a delicate perfume which can be lost easily while cooking, it is best when added shortly before the end of cooking. The aromatic seeds are used in confectionery. Sweet marjoram is considered carminative, expectorant and tonic. Leaves and seeds are astringent. It is used in the preparation of homeopathic mother tincture. Marjoram oil is used as an external application on sprains, bruises, stiff and paralytic lymph and tooth ache.
Indian Name of Spices
Hindi : Marwa Bengali : Murru, Deccan, Muruva Kannada : Maruga, Kumaon bantulsi Malayalam : Maruva Punjabi : Marwa Sanskrit : Maru, Sinshi, Murwo Tamil : Maruvu Urdu : Marva khusha
Foreign Name of Spices
Czech : Majoranka Dutch : Marjolein French : Marjolain German : Marjoran Greek : Matzourana Italian : Maggiorana Japanese : Majoramu